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Move or Copy relative to DUCS


Moves or copies selected objects with respect to the Dynamic UCS, providing a quick way to orientate objects to each other.


Select the objects you want to work with followed by the basepoint. Move the cursor over the target 3D object. The Dynamic UCS (DUCS) will react and align the objects being moved to the 3D face under your cursor. Pick a second point to complete the operation.

Tip. During the move/copu you can align, then lock the DUCS by pressing Shift. This allows you to align your objects first to one face, then move to another


MoveDUCS - To move objects relative to DUCS
CopyDUCS - To copy objects relative to DUCS


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  • You can load by simply dragging and dropping the file onto an existing drawing window in BricsCAD. If you find it useful, then you can use APPLOAD to get BricsCAD to load it automatically.

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