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May 7, 2024

BricsCAD Network License – Monitoring Usage

You can monitor the status & usage of your BricsCAD network license via its web interface. To do this enter the address of your server in your web browser, On the server machine it is typically http://localhost:5054. From other machines on the network you would need to substitute the server name or ip address e.g. http://MyServerName:5054 or The port number 5054 is the default.

On the web page that opens:

  1. Pick the Status button from the menu.
  2. Pick the bricsys button under Server Status.
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This will give you an overview of current network license usage.

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For more details, pick the Usage… button on the right of the license pool summary.

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Here you will see a list of everyone that currently has a license in use. If necessary, you have the option to Remove a license from a user, making it available to the pool again. Please note that this option won’t work if a user has booked (also known as roaming) a license out.

See the Bricsys online help for more information on network licenses usage

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